Jake at Gov Gab has a great post about the DTV transition and a nice table to help you figure what DTV solution you need for the Big Switch. His table reminds us that if we watch TV on an analog television, we need to get a DTV converter box.
What is an Analog TV?
An analog TV is the standard TV that has been used in most homes for decades. Unless you have purchased a high definition television (HDTV) with a digital tuner, you have an analog television.
Where do I get a $40 off coupon for a DTV Converter box?
You can request a coupon at the TV Converter Box Coupon Program page. This link will take you to the U.S. Government's DTV Converter Box Coupon Program. If you are not comfortable submitting your personal information online, you can call the Coupon Program 24-hour hotline at 1-888-DTV-2009 (1-888-388-2009).
A question about a Digital antenna to receive DTV was asked on Gov Gab site too.
Do I need a special antenna to receive DTV?
No, a standard television indoor, or outdoor, antenna works just fine for receiving over-the-air digital broadcasts. If you already have an antenna, then you just need a converter box and you are ready to watch digital TV. If you don't have an antenna, you can shop online through our antenna page, or at a local retailer. You do not have to pay extra for a "HDTV antenna." Any good television antenna will work.